I searched "Thanksgiving Day". Do you know that? This festival held in America and Canada. And the day is November fourth Thursday in America, while Canada held it October second Monday.
This is the day when everybody thanks to "Got" for harvest. May be many people think "When is this festival started?" and "What are they eat?" or "What are they do?" so on. I will answer these questions!!

♪Thanksgiving of America
This festival usually called "Thanksgiving" or sometimes called "Turkey Day" In the morning, the function called Turkey pardon is take place at White House. And " Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade" becomes an annual event. Now this festival weakens that meaning of religion. And the present day, in their mind, thanksgiving becomes large-scale dinner. And many friends or relative gather it. This is very important event for family.
♪What are they eat?

The main dish is the barbecue of turkey. It cut small and eats with some sauce.
Side dish is mashed potatoes and gravy sauce and traditional American dish. Dessert is usually apple pie or pumpkin pie.